There is an ongoing Maintenance
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Main Site Scheduled Maintenance
Searx Scheduled Maintenance
60 days ago % Uptime Today
Gitea Scheduled Maintenance
60 days ago % Uptime Today
Mastodon Scheduled Maintenance
60 days ago % Uptime Today
Web Interface Scheduled Maintenance
Streaming Scheduled Maintenance
Mastodon timeline streaming
Media Scheduled Maintenance
Mastodon media
ActivityPub Federation Scheduled Maintenance
Matrix Scheduled Maintenance
60 days ago % Uptime Today
Riot/Element Scheduled Maintenance
Text Scheduled Maintenance
VoIP Scheduled Maintenance
Media Scheduled Maintenance
Matrix media support.
Integrations Scheduled Maintenance
Matrix Federation Scheduled Maintenance
Mail Scheduled Maintenance
Roundcube Scheduled Maintenance
IMAP/POP3 Scheduled Maintenance
SMTP Scheduled Maintenance

Past Incidents

Scheduled Maintenance Regular Maintenance: Backups from 2024-04-23 02:00 CDT to 2024-04-23 04:00 CDT



All services should be minimally affected. Response times may increase, and temporary timeouts may occur. If you receive an error, try again after a few seconds.


Between 1:00 AM CST and 3:00 AM CST Tuesday to Sunday. More or less time may be needed depending on circumstances. (e.g. server load, backup size, compression ratio, and network traffic)


The servers running these services are backed up regularly as part of responsible administration. In the case of a...

Scheduled Maintenance Regular Maintenance: Backups from 2024-04-21 02:00 CDT to 2024-04-21 04:00 CDT



All services should be minimally affected. Response times may increase, and temporary timeouts may occur. If you receive an error, try again after a few seconds.


Between 1:00 AM CST and 3:00 AM CST Tuesday to Sunday. More or less time may be needed depending on circumstances. (e.g. server load, backup size, compression ratio, and network traffic)


The servers running these services are backed up regularly as part of responsible administration. In the case of a...

% Uptime
60 days ago Today
All Incidents / Maintenances
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